In a business, your time can get away from you and all of a sudden it is the end of the month where you need to pay suppliers, and you need your clients or customers to have paid you. It is one of the biggest stressors about being in business. However, in the technological revolution that we are experiencing, automated payment processes can help you with processing payments and payment reminders.
At Acumen Computer Systems, we help you setup up such processes and provide ongoing support to make sure they run optimally.
So why should you autogenerate your payment reminders?
Build the relationship with your client.
Payment reminders are a process that when done manually, can become incredibly tedious and stressful. Automating this process is not only beneficial for you but is beneficial for the receiver as well. By autogenerating your payment reminders, you are actually giving your clients helpful reminders at appropriate times that there is a payment due. These reminders are helpful because just like you, your clients are busy and might forget that a payment is due and the last thing you want to be doing is chasing these payments. By using automation, reminders can be sent by the simple click of a button and automatically fill in relevant details without having to tediously enter information. It is important to note though that these reminders need to be sent at an appropriate time and frequency so they do not appear ‘spammy’ which could be detrimental to the relationship.
It can actually be of benefit for the reminder to appear automated rather than you personally nagging someone for payment.
Greater Resources and More Time to Get Things Done
Autogenerating payment reminders are also efficient and cost-effective as they can help you save on administration costs and other unnecessary expenses. Automating this process allows for your team to be more effective in other areas of your business instead of continuously chasing clients at the end of each month. Payment reminder settings can be adjusted to suit your business, making it a cost-effective solution to one of business’s most irritating challenges, getting paid.
Better Cash Flow
Finally, one of the most prominent benefits to autogenerating your payments and payment reminders is that it improves your cash flow overall. Ultimately by sending payment reminders in a helpful manner, your customers are likely to pay you faster and on time. This means that you are able to grow faster, invest in developing new products or services, and expand your market all because you have a consistent and positive cash flow. Additionally, sending helpful reminders means that both you and your clients won’t have to have awkward conversations about due dates and late fees. Late fees generally occur when a business has to chase a customer for payment, but with autogenerated payment reminders, businesses generally don’t have to chase customers as much because they are more likely to be paid closer to the due date. Therefore, autogenerating and sending payments and payment reminders can actually benefit your business by reducing the stress and frustration associated with financial processes and a business’s cash flow.
Our Client Success
At Acumen, we have helped our clients adopt payment reminders to their email and mobile settings. They have been able to auto generate and attach almost all of their important documents and payment reminders, including:
- Invoices
- Quotes
- Statements
- Receipts
We have even helped many of our clients set up SMS reminders that appear in a helpful and human way to improve their relationship with their customers and get paid faster. We pride ourselves on providing our clients with the best digital and integrated payment solutions and support needed to ensure they can continue running their business effectively.
How can we help
Acumen can help you set up, train and maintain payment processing, so that is the most efficient for your business. We can customize this process for each of our clients so that it is unique to your business. Within the setup, we help you choose when to send reminders, what the message shall be, how often to send these reminders and show you how to set up these reminders for future payments. We don’t just stop at setup because we understand that technology and software isn’t for everyone, so we provide ongoing support for our clients and help maximize their potential. If you are considering a way to autogenerate your payments or payment reminders, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us by calling 1800 228 636.