Personalised support from our
Australia-based team
The recent trend among the information technology industry is to base support teams in overseas countries. Companies take advantage of the cheaper labour costs in these countries, which in turn saves them money. While outsourcing customer support is great for a business’s bottom line, it is less than ideal for its customers, who often end up frustrated by communication barriers and the hassle of dealing with different support people each time.
At Acumen, things are different. We provide personalised support from our skilled team, based right here in Geelong. This means that when you call us, you speak to someone situated on Australian soil. Each member of our support team has an excellent understanding of business systems used in the retail, wholesale and trade industries.
They work effectively with you and with prompt response times to successfully address business objectives and problems.
Custom software functionality
Our software boasts all of the features needed to establish and maintain a fully functioning business in the retail, wholesale, and trade sectors. Throughout Acumen’s long history, we have encountered many business challenges and sought to find the appropriate solutions. The invaluable aspect of our vast experience in the software industry is that we’ve put our knowledge to work for you.
Our software has the expert solutions developed for these challenges already incorporated into its system for the benefit of all customers.
However, every business is different, and it is often this difference that gives each organisation an edge over its competitor.
Being on hand for support means we can perform minor customisation updates of the software, ensuring you get the most out of your system and that it meets your company’s particular needs.
Custom reporting solutions tailored to
your business needs
Reliable data is one of the most important factors of a successful business. It provides business owners and managers with valuable insight that enables them to make informed decisions, as well as any necessary adjustments to keep their business functioning smoothly.
Reporting is one of the biggest strengths of our Acumen POS system. We offer 150-200 standard reports, including those designed for stock, sales, and accounts. However, there may be times when the report that you need does not exist or is not available with the specific components or design you need.
With our support, we will build your own customised reports to give you the necessary insights into your business.